Monday, March 10, 2025

Hard To Explain In LambdaCDM, Trivial In MOND

Trying to explain the result described in the paper below in the LambdaCDM paradigm with tidal stripping of dark matter is really a stretch. If the dark matter particles are stripped, where do they go? Why is dark matter differentially stripped relative to regular matter? And, why is this observation only being explained in retrospect, rather than predicted in advance?

But, in the MOND paradigm, the transition of a galaxy from a more extended and dispersed spiral form to a more compact lenticular galaxy automatically and naturally results in weak inferred dark matter phenomena. This observation was expected back in 1983 when it was first formulated. This is because, in the MOND paradigm, lenticular galaxies are expected to have less inferred dark matter phenomena than spiral galaxies, because more of their matter is within the critical MOND acceleration region.
We present the high-sensitivity and large-scale atomic hydrogen (HI) observations towards lenticular (S0) galaxy NGC 4111 using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST). The column density map shows that NGC4111 and seven other different types of galaxies share a huge HI gas complex. The data also suggest that NGC 4111 is interacting with seven galaxies. Moreover, we identified a rotating gas disk associated with NGC 4111 from the HI complex. Still, the HI disk rotation direction has deviated from its stellar disk about 34.2∘, indicating that the NGC 4111 galaxy is undergoing a transition from a spiral galaxy to an S0 galaxy by the tidal interactions. 
The obtained dark matter-to-stellar mass ratio of NGC4111 is 3.1±0.7, which is lower than the average value of the Local Universe, implying that the interactions may strip its dark matter. Our results suggest that in a galaxy group environment, tidal interactions have a significant effect on galaxy features.
Mei Ai, et al., "Formation of the dark-matter deficient S0 galaxy NGC 4111 under the tidal interactions" arXiv:2503.05171 (March 7, 2025).

Alexander The Great's "Fish Eaters"

Sailing thence they sailed without stop all night andday, and after a voyage of eleven hundred stades they got past the country of the Fish-eaters, where they had been much distressed by want of food. They did not moor near shore, for there was a long line of surf, but at anchor, in the open. The length of the voyage along the coast of the Fish-eaters is a little above ten thousand stades. 
These Fish-eaters live on fish; and hence their name; only a few of them fish, for only a few have proper boats and have any skill in the art of catching fish; but for the most part it is the receding tide which provides their catch. 
Some have made nets also for this kind of fishing; most of them about two stades in length. They make the nets from the bark of the date-palm, twisting the bark like twine. And when the sea recedes and the earth is left, where the earth remains dry it has no fish, as a rule; but where there are hollows, some of the water remains, and in this a large number of fish, mostly small, but some large ones too. They throw their nets over these and so catch them. 
They eat them raw, just as they take them from the water, that is, the more tender kinds; the larger ones, which are tougher, they dry in the sun till they are quite sere and then pound them and make a flour and bread of them; others even make cakes of this flour. Even their flocks are fed on the fish, dried; for the country has no meadows and produces no grass. 
They collect also in many places crabs and oysters and shell-fish. There are natural salts in the country; from these they make oil. Those of them who inhabit the desert parts of their country, treeless as it is and with no cultivated parts, find all their sustenance in the fishing but a few of them sow part of their district, using the corn as a relish to the fish, for the fish form their bread. 
The richest among them have built huts; they collect the bones of any large fish which the sea casts up, and use them in place of beams. Doors they make from any flat bones which they can pick up. But the greater part of them, and the poorer sort, have huts made from the fishes' backbones.
Arrian, Indica, 29 via this Wikipedia article.

Note that the word translated as "corn" is a reference to the original European plant with that name, and not to New World Maize that which came to be known by the name of the original European plant, which only arrived 1800 years later than this account.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

A New Muon g-2 EW Calculation

The 2020 Theory Initiative White Paper value for the weak force contribution to muon g-2 was 153.6(1.0) × 10^−11. 

This improved calculation produces a best fit value that is 0.8 x 10^−11 larger (which brings the total value of muon g-2 slightly closer to the experimental value), and has a 60% smaller uncertainty (which is always an improvement even if it is a slight one). 

The new calculation is consistent with the old one at the one sigma level.

A precise evaluation of the electroweak contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon requires control over all aspects of the Standard Model, ranging from Higgs physics, over multi-loop computations for bosonic and (heavy-)fermion diagrams, to non-perturbative effects in the presence of light quarks. Currently, the dominant uncertainties arise from such hadronic effects in the vector-vector-axial-vector three-point function, an improved understanding of which has recently emerged in the context of hadronic light-by-light scattering. Profiting from these developments as well as new perturbative and non-perturbative input for the charm contribution, we obtain a(EW)(μ) = 154.4(4) × 10^−11.
From Martin Hoferichter, Jan Lüdtke, Luca Naterop, Massimiliano Procura, Peter Stoffer, "An improved evaluation of the electroweak contribution to (g−2)μ" arXiv:2503.04883 (March 6, 2025).

The previous state of the art gap between experiment and the SM calculation was 6.5 ± 41.3. This development reduces the gap to about 5.7 ± 41.2 (which is about 0.14 sigma). 

In other words, the experimentally measured value of muon g-2 (which has parts per 10 million precision) is perfectly consistent with the leading Standard Model predictions for the value of muon g-2 and there is basically no room for beyond the Standard Model physics that can perceptibly impact muon g-2.

It also reduces the EW share of the QED + EW component of the uncertainty in the total result from about 90% to 80%.